Hi! My name is Matthew Keaton.

I have a deep passion for learning about – and one day, improving our understanding of – the mechanisms that give rise to that strange, continuous experience which allows for each of us to do everything that we do, including reading the Markdown letters appearing on the glowing screen in front of you. As a scientist, that mainly directs me into the lanes of neuroscience and machine learning.

Currently, I am a computer science master’s student researching computer vision – more specifically, fine-grained visual categorization as well as domain adaptation for instance segmentation on 2D and 3D cellular data. In addition to my dual Bachelor’s of Science degrees in computer science and computer engineering, I obtained minors in mathematics and physics during my undergraduate career. Questions that take a swing at the most fundamental parts of this life are what I’m all about!

Please take a look at my Publications and Resume pages, and check out my Github, Google Scholar, LinkedIn, and email address linked at the bottom of each webpage.

Finally, I plan to write a series of posts in early 2022, which will mostly focus on important topics in neuroscience related to machine learning, simulations neuroscience, and the ethics involved. Stay tuned, and enjoy your stay!